oi, gostei muito do site tbm gosto muito dela. parabens... So uma pergunta por que vcs nao cola musica para reproduzir enguando estamos mexendo no site. o que eu fiz para minha celula tem se quiserem ver. www.celula-videira.no.comunidades.net me adds no msn que ajudarei vcs e mais uma pergunta vcs sao os mesmos que fizeram o site da selena gomez?
My god I loved your site, your site is so wonderful .. I love Miranda, I heard that his name is: Miranda Taylor Cosgrove, right? Well I loved your site.Tambem meant that you were very creative to choose that person, I love her she is very funny, I watch icarly .. is pretty cool. Well Congratulations Kisses
Resposta do Administrador: Hi debby, you're in Los Angeles?do you speak Portuguese? what is the " tambem" in your comment , so far it seems is speaking in English and not Portuguese. We also love the Icarly miranda and thanks for the comment, kisses
Adicionado: September 19, 2010
Post 5 Inserido por
Nome: Claire
De: New York
Omg, I love Miranda, she is beautiful, sings well and acts well. The other day I was in New York and met Miranda, got an autograph and took a picture with her, she's very funny, when I do not quite understand what you write on the site I use the Google translator to translate what I do not understand, I love your site, you write very well, and knows a lot of Miranda. I loved everything, especially the character you chose! Kisses
Resposta do Administrador: Thank you for your comment, I'd like to be in your place, when you met Miranda, she really is very pretty and sings well and acts well. Glad you liked my site, and thanks for saying I write well, often when I go into a site that is in English or another language is also using the google translator to know what is written. Kisses and thanks again!